Changing the Game with Digital Engagement, Presented by SAP

Changing the Game with Digital Engagement, Presented by SAP

The Gamification of Social Selling

January 19, 2016

The buzz: Game Face. Game On! As humans, we all like games. Why? Games enable us to try to be the best at something, whether Scrabble, cards, video games, football or even the Olympics, and to challenge each other. Games motivate and bring out the best (and the worst) in us. Can games help your sales reps get up to speed in Social Selling, which challenges them to change how they do business? Yes! Join us to learn the best ways to incorporate games into your Social Selling program, get pointers on how to do it, learn what outcomes to expect, and hear the challenges that may emerge along the way. The experts speak. Mario Martinez Jr., Social Selling Expert: “If your “WHY” doesn't make you cry, then it's not big enough” (Unknown). Kirsten Boileau, SAP: “Arriving at one goal is the starting point to another” (John Dewey). Join us for The Gamification of Social Selling.
