Changing the Game with Digital Engagement, Presented by SAP

Changing the Game with Digital Engagement, Presented by SAP

The Future of Social Selling: 2015 Surprises, 2016 Predictions

December 01, 2015

The buzz: Stargazing. Since this series debuted in Sept. 2015, we’ve discussed the state of Social Selling, strategies to build a Social Selling program, and best practices. Our thought leaders shared proof points to validate their insights: 98% of sales reps with 5000+ LinkedIn connections achieve quota (Sales Benchmark Index); 80% of social introductions generate a sale (DSWA); 72.6% of salespeople using social outperformed peers (Social Media and Sales Quota Survey); and 61% of US marketers use social media for lead generation (IBM). Today, to cap Season 1, we’ll look back at 2015 and ahead to 2016 with our experts from the debut episode. Kurt Shaver, The Sales Foundry: “80% of success is just showing up" (Alvy Singer, Annie Hall). Jim Fields, SAP: “Nobody goes there anymore. It’s too crowded” (Yogi Berra). Kirsten Boileau, SAP: “If there is no struggle, there is no progress” (Frederick Douglass). Join us for The Future of Social Selling: 2015 Surprises, 2016 Predictions.
