Changing the Game with Digital Engagement, Presented by SAP

Changing the Game with Digital Engagement, Presented by SAP

Social Selling: Engaging in the Social Conversation

September 29, 2015

The buzz: Building blocks. Sales reps: If you believe a LinkedIn profile is all it takes for a positive social brand and reputation, you’re not even close. It’s just the beginning. Building on the social listening skills covered on our last episode, you need to start engaging in social conversations with prospects and customers in a targeted, relevant, caring, educational way –no “hard sell”. Tune in for best practices Do’s and Don’ts, and their impact on your brand and the brand you sell. The experts speak. Chris Boudreaux, Social Media Governance: “You are a human being, and what human beings do is art, new stuff, connection... There’s a big difference between being Dell and being Michael Dell... You are not a brand. You’re a person” (Seth Godin). Casey Ryan, SAP: “I’d rather be a failure at something I love than a success at something I hate” (George Burns). Reuven Gorsht, SAP: “There are no old roads to new places.” Join us for Social Selling: Engaging in the Social Conversation.
