Smart Drug Smarts: Brain Optimization | Nootropics | Neuroscience

Smart Drug Smarts: Brain Optimization | Nootropics | Neuroscience

SDS 084: Optimal Cognition in Extreme Environments

July 10, 2015

Evolution has prepped humans to be the dominant species — and definitely the smartest — in our natural environment: on land.  But how do our land-based human brains hold up in more extreme environments, like the bottom of the ocean or the depths of space?  To answer those questions, Jesse is joined by professional diver-cum-research-scientist, Dr. Dawn Kernagis from IHMC.  From cave-diving expeditions to spacewalks or EVAs (“Extra Vehicular Activity” as they’re technically called) this episode is all about neurological research and best-practices for brains in dangerous environments.

In This Week In Neuroscience, Jesse shares some great ammo with which you can obliterate the myth about “humans using only 10% of their brain.”

And BIG NEWS in the world of Smart Drug Smarts: Jesse unveils Axon Labs, a newly-formed sister company that’s opening its doors with what we humbly consider to be two amazing new nootropics stacks.
