Small Business Naked

Small Business Naked

17 - Timbo Reid: Marketing your small business

November 19, 2014
Timbo Reid: Marketing your small business

“There has never been a better time to market a small business.”  Timbo Reid of the Small Business Big Marketing podcast, Australia’s #1 marketing podcast (and pretty high up in the rest of the world as well).

It may be a little strange that we are interviewing another podcaster, but there is a good reason…Timbo is the inspiration for Nick to re-start the Small Business Naked podcast.  After finding Tim’s podcast while on a family trip to Portland, Nick was hooked, and has been a loyal listener ever since;  “Listening to Timbo has helped me find focus in my marketing efforts for my painting business, and made me realize that podcasting is a great way to become an influencer and to build my personal brand.”

Tim, or Timbo as he likes to be called, started his career in a big ad agency, working for the man…like many of us.  After several years, he realized that  he liked to teach, and loved talking to small business owners about their marketing.  So after finding one bigger client, he launched out on his own to do marketing consulting under his own name.  Soon he started Small Business Big Marketing, which helped to launch his personal brand.  Now he spends most of his time speaking around the world, consulting with a few clients, and producing his very popular podcast.

We had a blast talking about small business, marketing, and podcasting with Tim.  Here are a few of the key take-a-ways from our time with him:

  1. Be yourself.  Don’t try to be something your not.  Be who you are, and portray that in your business, and your marketing.
  2. Marketing is everything and everything is marketing.  Weather you are talking about your logo, your business card, answering your phones, or how your team interacts with your customers.  IT IS ALL MARKETING.
  3. Find your WHY, then communicate it through great marketing.

We talked about several of Tim’s guests, but one example of a small business owner doing great marketing was Tom Dickson of Will it Blend?  He takes the most rediculous things possible, puts them in his blender, and mashes them up.  Take this video of him blending iPhones.  Rediculous.

For more information on Timbo, click here for his bio page, click here for his forum, to book him for speaking, and click here form his favorite interview with Melissa Maker (who we also interviewed), which was his favorite interview.

To listen to the entire interview, please visit us oniTunes or Stitcher or at our website at 




