Small Business Naked

Small Business Naked

16 - What’s Up: Make more money by doing less

November 12, 2014

I know we have talked about focus before, but we talk about it  A LOT!  So, we are talking about it again.  We need reminders.  As business owners, and as entrepreneurs, we all need MORE FOCUS.  Before we get into that, we got caught up a little.

Johnny just got back from a cruise.  He took his two managers on an end of the season reward:  a cruise.  They went on the largest boat in the world.  He blew away his team, gave then a great reward, and invested into them and their significant others, as a thank you, and to invest into them.

We announced out show sponsor, a past guest, Hatchwise.  So if you need a logo, a business card, or anything designed, we want you to give Hatchwise a try.  They give you really great value, and Nick and Johnny have both used them for several projects, and believe that they are the BEST design contest site for graphic design.


Rule of ONE. Anytime you have more than one of anything, it complicates things. This is Johnny’s way of keeping things simple.  How do you stay focused?

To listen to the entire interview, please visit us oniTunes or Stitcher or at our website at 

