Small Business Naked

Small Business Naked

12 - What’s Up: Opposite Day and Focus in your Small Business

October 17, 2014

After having our conversation with Tres fro Voodoo Doughnuts, Johnny and Nick talked about how they do a lot of things the opposite of what the so-called experts would say are the “right” things to do in business.

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Keeping things simple is easier said than done.  Johnny and Nick have both experienced trying to do too many things.  One of the best examples of focus is In-N-Out Burger. They only have a few things on their menu, and do it very well.  It is hard to turn customers away, but if we say no to some people, it allows us to say YES to the things and people we really want to do.


Steve Jobs is another example of a company that was saved by focus.  Steve Jobs came back into Apple, and chopped everything but about 4 main products.  This is what led to maybe the biggest company turnaround in history.  They were able to put all their energy and effort into making 4 great products, instead of 15 or 20 weak products.

