

Latest Episodes

COVID-19, mRNA, FDA and Other Important Initialisms
December 12, 2020

Rebecca chats with Mary Brock and Topher Hunter about the intricacies of the new COVID vaccines, plus what the FDA is doing during approvals.

A Very Skepchick Thanksgiving
November 26, 2020

Rebecca chats with Maria D'Souza, Jamie Bernstein, and Mary Brock about whether Thanksgiving is Christian, why it's great, why it sucks, and why we should obviously all stay home this year.

My Nemesis the Lithosphere (About That Jade Amulet COVID Study)
November 19, 2020

This week on the Skepchick podcast, Rebecca chats with Maria D'Souza and Bjrnar Tuftin about the study that claimed jade amulets can protect you from COVID-19 (since retracted). Links! Bjrnar'

The Skepchick Election Special!
November 09, 2020

Joe Biden is going to be president, but why did the projections say it was going to be a blow out? Rebecca chats with Skepchick's resident stats nerd (and former Obama campaign staffer) Jamie Bernstein about polls, algorithms, voter suppression,

Fighting For Space and Exploding Chickens with Amy Shira Teitel
November 06, 2020

This week on the Skepchick podcast, Rebecca and Dr. Nicole Gugliucci sit down with Amy Shira Teitel to discuss her book Fighting for Space: Two Pilots and Their Historic Battle for Female Spaceflight!

Saying Goodbye to James “The Amazing” Randi
October 23, 2020

This week on the Skepchick podcast, Rebecca chats with A Sigler and Maria D'Souza about how James Randi brought them all together, and the complicated legacy he leaves behind.

Trump’s Got the Rona
October 03, 2020

This week on the Skepchick podcast, Rebecca talks to Jamie Bernstein, Dr. Nicole Gugliucci, and Maria Walters about the various conspiracy theories surrounding the news that Donald Trump has contracted COVID-19.

What’s the Deal with COVID-19 Antibody Testing?
September 25, 2020

This week on the Skepchick podcast, Rebecca talks COVID-19 antibody tests with Mary Brock, admin of Grounded Parents and a biotech scientist who develops antibody-based assays. If you'd like to watch episodes recorded live,

What’s a Penis? With Emily Willingham
September 20, 2020

This week on the Skepchick podcast, Rebecca chats with author, scientist, and Renaissance woman Emily Willingham about her new book Phallacy: Life Lessons from the Animal Penis. Fellow Skepchick and biology enthusiast Amanda Leinbaugh joins the penisy ...

Viruses From Space!
September 11, 2020

Astronomer Dr. Nicole Gugliucci is back along with bioengineer Dr. Christopher Hunter, talking to Rebecca about a recent "study" that suggests the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus came to Earth on a comet that was seen over China in October of 2019.
