Sit & Sew Radio

Sit & Sew Radio

Episode 22 - Niloo Paydar and Heather Givans

November 17, 2016

Welcome to Episode 22 of Sit & Sew Radio, a Quilt Addicts Anonymous podcast.

Today I am coming to you from Indianapolis, Indiana. My family and I needed a vacation so we packed up and headed out. As we checked out potential locations within driving distance, my husband found the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, which includes five floors of fun for our two-year-old. As a bonus, I would get to check out the Marie Webster exhibit at the Indianapolis Museum of Art.

So for this episode I take you on a guided tour of A Joy Forever: Marie Webster Quilts. Our host is the Indianapolis Museum of Art Curator of Textiles and Fashion Arts Niloo Paydar. You can just hear the passion for quilts and textiles in Niloo’s voice as she takes us through the quilts of Marie Webster. Now for those of you who don’t know who Marie Webster is, she is credited with bringing American quilting out of the Victorian style.

Indianapolis is also the home of Heather Givans, the creative force behind Crimson Tate, a quilt shop specializing in modern fabrics in the heart of the city. She also designs fabrics for Windham Fabrics and patterns to support her lines. We chat about her creative process, her new line Literary that comes out in April and what it is like to balance owning a quilt shop, designing fabric and quilt patterns.

Heather also is giving away a charm pack of samples from Literary and a sticker pack, so make sure you scroll to the bottom of this episode to enter for your chance to win.

Make sure you head over to and sign up for the Kaleidoscope Block of the Month. The deadline to sign up has been extended and you now have until Sunday, November 20. This is the official Block of the Month for Northcott Fabrics and it uses the Stonehenge Gradations fabric collection. I designed the quilt, so of course we are hosting it on Quilt Addicts Anonymous The quilt looks really complicated, but if you can sew a half-square triangle, you can make this quilt. The complicated look comes from the block setting, not the piecing. Click here to sign up.

Niloo Paydar, curator of textiles and fashion arts

When Marie Webster started quilting crazy quilts in deep, rich fabrics were all the rage. But she didn’t like them.

So Marie Webster took pastel linen, broke with tradition and started making appliqué patterns that were influenced by the Arts & Crafts movement and were modern and ahead of her time. Her quilts were the first to be featured in color in a magazine. She wrote the first quilting book that included instruction and the history of quilting. And she started a thriving pattern and mail order business before women even had the right to vote.

Niloo Paydar, curator of textiles and fashion arts at the Indianapolis Museum of Art, takes us through a guided tour of Marie Webster's quilts which are on display at the Museum through January 8, 2017.

Click here to read more about the exhibit, see Marie Webster's scrapbook and plan your visit.

Heather Givans, fabric and pattern designer, owner Crimson Tate

Heather Givans is a multitalented quilter. She designs fabrics for Windham Fabrics, create quilt patterns and runs Crimson Tate, a quilt shop in downtown Indianapolis, Indiana.

Crimson Tate is in downtown Indianapolis and is located in a cultural district, so there is plenty to do besides shop for fabric … in other words, you can send your husband to the bar down the street while you shop for fabric.

Click here to visit Crimson Tate's online shop. And don’t forget to enter for your chance to win a charm pack of Heather Givens’ new fabric line Literary for Windham Fabrics. You can’t get this in stores yet. So make sure you enter for your chance to win it before you can buy it.
