The Russell Moore Show

The Russell Moore Show

Latest Episodes

Signposts: Senator Ben Sasse and Russell Moore talk about how perpetual adolescence hurts the church
June 01, 2017

In this episode of Signposts I sit down with Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska. We talk how perpetual adolescence hurts the church and about his new book,…

Signposts: Should You Make Your Children Go to Church?
May 26, 2017

I often get asked this question from parents: Should we require our child to come to church with our family? Sometimes the child even dreads…

Signposts: How to Deal with a Family Member’s Racist Comments
May 19, 2017

When someone you love or are close to vocalizes a racist sentiment, what’s the best way to respond? In this episode of Signposts I consider…

Signposts: A conversation with Andy Crouch about family and technology
May 12, 2017

How do I navigate technology with my kids? In this episode of Signposts I talk with author and speaker Andy Crouch about families and the use…

Signposts: Why I’m Not a Pacifist (But I Don’t Hate Those Who Are)
May 05, 2017

In this episode of Signposts I talk about why I am not a pacifist and what I have learned from that tradition. Listen below, and subscribe…

Signposts: Why Sola Scriptura Matters
April 28, 2017

This year marks the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Central to the Reformation’s theology was the idea of sola Scriptura, meaning “The Bible alone.” What does…

Signposts: How Can You Know If You’re Under God’s Discipline?
April 21, 2017

How can you know if you’re under the discipline of God? Recently I was asked this question by someone who was concerned that her recent…

Signposts: “Is Penal Substitutionary Atonement Immoral?”
April 14, 2017

For thousands of years, Christians have taught that on Good Friday, Jesus bore the wrath of God for our sins. But is this an immoral belief? Can we worship a God who would pour out wrath on His Son? In... Read More

Signposts: A Conversation with Jen Wilkin
March 24, 2017

In this episode of Signposts I talk with author and speaker Jen Wilkin about the local church, men and women in ministry, and how to build a strong culture of teaching for women in the church. Listen below, and subscribe... Read More

Signposts: A Conversation With Rod Dreher
March 10, 2017

How should Christians respond to cultural transformations, many of which actively threaten the beliefs and practices of the church? Journalist Rod Dreher offers a provocative answer in his new book “The Benedict Option,
