The Russell Moore Show

The Russell Moore Show

Latest Episodes

What should pastors do if a Christian is afraid of baptism?
November 16, 2018

Is immersion the only form for baptism? What is signified in baptism? Because I am a Baptist, I often receive questions about the particulars of…

On 25 Years of Albert Mohler at Southern Seminary
November 02, 2018

This year marks the 25th anniversary of R. Albert Mohler Jr.'s service as president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. For many decades, Dr. Mohler has been an influential figure in my life. Through his visionary leadership,

What should Christians do about our differences on spiritual gifts?
October 19, 2018

Are the gifts still active today? I receive questions all the time about spiritual gifts in the church. This is an important topic because the gifts were given to edify and build up the church, but often they become a source of contention and division....

Russell Moore & Jonathan Haidt: A Conversation
September 21, 2018

In this episode of Signposts, I sit down with one of the leading social psychologists in the United States, Jonathan Haidt. Professor Haidt is an acclaimed author and thought leader. His book, The Righteous Mind,

The Gospel and Social Injustice – Part 2
September 12, 2018

Does the gospel have implications for social injustice? Is justice a distraction from the gospel? I have had many people ask me recently about social…

The Gospel and Social Injustice – Part 1
September 07, 2018

Is social justice a distraction from the gospel? I have had many people ask me recently about the issue of social justice. As Christians, we are called to live as a gospel people, and in light of recent cultural conversations on this topic some have wo...

Signposts – Special Episode: A Q&A on The Storm-Tossed Family
August 17, 2018

This episode of Signposts features a recent conversation I had with my colleague, Brent Leatherwood, about my new book, The Storm-Tossed Family: How the Cross Reshapes the Home. I wanted to highlight this conversation to offer a preview of the book ahe...

Will Complementarianism Survive After the #MeToo Movement?
August 03, 2018

I have had many people ask me over the last several months about the future of complementarianism. In recent months, our society has faced a reckoning over the toxic culture of sexual assault and abuse. And as we've seen,

Russell Moore & Marilynne Robinson: A Conversation
July 20, 2018

In this episode of Signposts, I sit down with one of my favorite writers, Marilynne Robinson. Professor Robinson is an accomplished novelist and essayist. She earned a Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 2005, and her work is celebrated both by readers and l...

My Worst Parenting Mistake
July 06, 2018

Why is parenting so difficult? Every parent faces challenges. Some are common, while others are unique. But one thing is certain, you wont always succeed. In this episode of Signposts, I talk about the worst mistake I've made as a parent, so far.
