Latest Episodes

KIDScast#68 Let Us Do These Things
July 22, 2020

Let Us In light of Christ's perfect work, let us draw near by faith, hold fast to hope, and consider one another. _______________________________________________________________________ So what did you think? Give us your feedback,

KIDScast#67 Birthdays and Babies
July 08, 2020

Babies Throughout Scripture we are given glimpses into how the entire process of a persons life is intimately handled by God. He opens the womb, forms the person and numbers their days! ___________________________________________________________...

KIDScast#66 The Grace And Mercy We Need
June 10, 2020

Grace And Mercy Because we have such a great high priest, Jesus, we can receive mercy and find grace to help us at the proper time. _______________________________________________________________________ So what did you think?

KIDScast#65 Gifts And Sacrifices To God
May 27, 2020

The Priesthood The Priests offer gifts and sacrifices to God and are another "type" found in the Old Testament. _______________________________________________________________________ So what did you think? Give us your feedback,

KIDScast#64 King Of Righteousness, King Of Peace
May 20, 2020

Melchizedek An obscure figure from the old testament who is only spoken about in four verses becomes a key in understanding Christ's life and ministry. Melchizedek was both king and priest and he served as yet another type of the Messiah.

KIDScast#63 Out Of Slavery
May 11, 2020

The Exodus So much of the story of The Exodus points us to Christ and The Gospel. Lets connect some of the dots... _______________________________________________________________________ So what did you think? Give us your feedback,

KIDScast#62 Things That God Hates
April 21, 2020

7 Things God Hates In the book of Proverbs we are given a unique view into the heart of God. Not only do we find our what He loves, but we hear about what He hates. We must talk about both. ______________________________________________________...

KIDScast#61 Feasting In The Shadows
April 13, 2020

The Feasts And Jesus Paul tells us that the Biblical feasts were shadows of The Messiah and there's a lot of interesting ways God used these celebrations. Lets talk about how they point to Christ and His work.

HIStory#6 Wycliffe: A Bible In Your Own Language
March 31, 2020

John Wycliffe Over one hundred years before the reformers, John Wycliffe fought for the authority of God's Word and the Biblical gospel. He is called the morningstar of the reformation because he paved the way for so many others and one of his bigg...

KIDScast#60 A Loving Father & His Obedient Son
March 25, 2020

Loving Father, Obedient Son There are some striking parallels between the story of Abraham and Issac and the salvation that God provided within The Godhead. This next typology episode may have your head spinning with all of them!
