Latest Episodes

KIDScast#98 The Foundation
July 12, 2022

The Foundation Genesis, the first book of The Bible, sets the foundation for the rest of God's Revelation. So many foundational questions are answered within the first 11 chapters and by the time

KIDScast#97 The Power To Do What Is Right
May 30, 2022

Will Power Will power is the ability to choose the right decision or to persevere through hardship. Let's look at some examples in scripture of people who exercised this power and see how we can gr

KIDScast#96 Come Prepared
April 18, 2022

Prepared To Gather The gathering of the church is really important and we're actually instructed to prepare ourselves before we meet so that when we are together we can be effective at what we do.

KIDScast#95 Spring And The Resurrection
April 11, 2022

Spring And The Resurrection It's spring, the time of the year when God wakes what's been sleeping, shines light into where there was darkness and brings life to what was dead. In a word, spring is

KIDScast#94 Doing Good
April 05, 2022

Doing Good God cares about what you do. In the 3 short chapters of the Book of Titus, Paul mentions good works 6 times! Let's look at some helpful reminders about how we should be eager to do wha

KIDScast#93 A Jingle About Love
March 08, 2022

I wanted to find a way to memorize Paul's famous description of love from 1 Corinthians 13 so I made it into a little jingle! Hopefully it can help you to store up God's Word in your heart too! __

KIDScast#92 We Believe In
January 18, 2022

We Believe What do you believe about God? Have you ever thought about it? Church history is full of Christians articulating what they believe and it can be really helpful to know what they've said

KIDScast#91 Is Anything Too Hard For Me?
October 26, 2021

Rhetorical Questions God asks Jeremiah a rhetorical question. "Is anything to hard for me?" This literary device is used to make a statement, not to get an answer because the answer is already cle

KIDScast#90 There Is Foolishness In Your Heart
October 11, 2021

Foolishness Proverbs 22:15 says, "Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child, the rod of discipline will drive it away." Lets talk about three sources of this foolishness in kids and how to o

KIDScast#89 Imputation: The Great Exchange
October 04, 2021

Imputation The doctrine of imputation has been called the great exchange. On the cross, Jesus was credited the sin of the world and at their justification, a believer is credited His righteousness
