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Sherman Connect

Barbara Dubel Named Chiropractic Advocate of the Year by Sherman College - Sherman Connect

June 08, 2015

New Jersey chiropractic assistant Barbara Dubel has been named Chiropractic Advocate of the Year by Sherman College of Chiropractic in Spartanburg, SC, in appreciation of her outstanding contributions, time and commitment to the chiropractic profession and the college. The Chiropractic Advocate of the Year Award is given to a non-chiropractor who has contributed to the advancement of Sherman College and the chiropractic profession in a significant and noteworthy manner.
Barbara Dubel is a founding board member of New Beginnings, an organization dedicated to preserving, protecting and perpetuating philosophically-based principled chiropractic without compromise, serving mankind, and enhancing quality of life. As a lay person, her love for chiropractic began when she first met her future husband, Dr. Jim Dubel. She immediately became involved in the profession as an advocate and has promoted chiropractic ever since.
Barbara works in her husband’s chiropractic office and also directs the New Beginnings Chiropractic Weekend exhibits and social events. Her husband, Dr. Jim Dubel says, “Without Babs, we would not have New Beginnings and my practice would never have been the success that it is. She found me and chiropractic at the same moment in time, and still loves us both.”
Barbara remains steadfast in her commitment to the chiropractic profession and has raised her three children in the same principled lifestyle. One of her children, Stephanie, is currently a student at Sherman College.
Sherman College named its 2015 award recipients April 30-May 2 as part of Lyceum, an annual continuing education and homecoming event attended by hundreds of chiropractors throughout the U.S. and internationally. Lyceum is held on the college’s campus in Spartanburg, SC, and involves three days of seminars, special events and other programs.

For more information, please contact:
Karen Rhodes
Director of Public Relations
Sherman College of Chiropractic
Phone: 800-849-8771, ext. 242
