Sharing Your Faith Radio

Sharing Your Faith Radio

Acts 8:26-40

March 31, 2020

Philip & the Ethiopian Eunuch24th in a series from the Book of Acts - Acts 8:26-40 recorded in my home studio Citrus Heights, California. Perhaps one of the most common passages to teach on personal witness and evangelism. Philip leaves a revival in Samaria to find himself going down a lonely road in the desert. This is where he divinely encounters the Ethiopian eunuch. We see a good example of one-on-one witnessing during their dialogue. The eunuch believes and is baptized by Philip before the two are miraculously separated by the Lord. The eunuch returns to his own country while Philip is found in another city. Then going from there preaching in all the cities until he comes to Cesarea.

Acts 8:26-40

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Philip the Evangelist Article
