Let's Talk Shakespeare

Let's Talk Shakespeare

Let's Talk Shakespeare: Was Shakespeare Educated?

November 08, 2015

For the first episode of Let’s Talk Shakespeare, I asked “Was Shakespeare Educated?”. This is a really interesting question that we are asked regularly and one that have to pull on lots of different sources of information to get an answer. In this episode we discuss how we know that Shakespeare went to school, where he went, what his school day would have been like and what he learned. We also think about Shakespeare and continued learner and the evidence of this in his work. Keep you ears open for a reference to Terry Pratchett!

This weeks guests are:

Professor Stanley Wells, Honorary President of the SBT
Professor Michael Dobson, Director of the Shakespeare Institute
Dr Elizabeth Dollimore, Outreach and Primary Learning Manager a the SBT
Dr Anjna Chouhan, Lecturer in Shakespeare Studies at the SBT
Dr Tara Hamling, Senior Lecturer in Early Modern history at Birmingham University
Madeleine Cox, Reading Room and Public Services Coordinator at the SBT

You can find show notes for this episode over on our blog: http://findingshakespeare.co.uk/lets-talk-shakespeare-shakespeare-educated
