Seasoned Green Oak

Seasoned Green Oak

Latest Episodes

Rock Bottom (Seasoned Green Oak #40)
August 19, 2014

It's an unfortunate fact that many people have to hit rock bottom before they are ready for help, but it's a waste of time to offer assistance before that point.  If you saw someone drinking mouthwash outside a convenience store, you would probably class

Sharing Your Gifts (Seasoned Green Oak #39)
August 05, 2014

We all have special talents whether we realize it or not.  If you are an artist like Kevin, your gift is pretty obvious and you are anxious to share your creations with the world.  Other gifts might not be as apparent, but we should all look for opportu

Willard and the Recon Mission (Seasoned Green Oak #38)
July 29, 2014

Some people make the same bad choices over and over again.  Even if they seem to be gaining some ground, it is very easy to renew old acquaintances and habits that drag them down.  Those that truly turn their lives around learn how to make a break with

Hero/Anti-Hero (Seasoned Green Oak #37)
July 21, 2014

Most children grow up with heroes they admire and emulate, and those relationships can be valuable teaching tools, but the lessons learned from anti-heroes can be powerful as well.  Join Kevin as he shares the lessons he learned from his hero, and the th

Railroad Spikes (Seasoned Green Oak #36)
July 08, 2014

The ability to preview our actions and predict the results of a specific choice are important life skills.  Some questions we can ask ourselves include: What will be the result of this specific action? Am I proud of this choice? Will my life be better or

Ode To My Siblings (Seasoned Green Oak #35)
July 03, 2014

Every life experience is evaluated and judged through our own personal filters.  That's part of the reason that two eye witnesses can give a completely different account of an accident or other traumatic event.  Specific actions will resonate differentl

Kevin VS The Raccoon (Seasoned Green Oak #34)
June 17, 2014

Experts will tell you that keeping wild animals as pets is a risky endeavor as Kevin Honeycutt learned during an encounter with one of his family's pet raccoons.  The normally docile creature turned on him because he didn't understand its background and

From DUI To Foster Home (Seasoned Green Oak #33)
May 30, 2014

Some people still forward e-mails and share posts on social media without verifying the accuracy of the information they contain.  Fortunately, more and more people will at least check out Snopes to verify something before they accept it as fact.  Unfor

Of Road Rage And Baseball Bats (Seasoned Green Oak #31)
May 15, 2014

We all experience interactions with others that cause us aggravation and annoyance.  It's just a part of life, but it's important to listen, pay attention, and approach these interactions with caution.  Kevin Honeycutt learned this lesson by watching hi

He Broke My Necklace - Forgetting To Be Afraid (Seasoned Green Oak #30)
May 06, 2014

Few of us escape childhood without some limiting beliefs programmed into our psyche, but as Evelyn Waugh wrote, “When we argue for our limitations, we get to keep them.”  The first step toward overcoming our self-doubt is to acknowledge it and then m
