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SDRNews Live – SDRNews

HP Discover: Lots to See and Learn

May 31, 2013
In Las Vegas or From Your Office -

The HP Discover event is going to be delivering all sorts of innovation and information that you need to know about. HP’s Calvin Zito @HPStorageGuy is the guest on this episode of SDRNews Live , and we talk about some of the things to do and see at the event.

SDRNews HP Discover interviews will be featured here on

Or, if you prefer, you can go directly to our channel on Livestream during the event hours,beginning at 3PM EDT on June 11.



 Keynotes and Major events will be available on and YouTube

As we discussed in the interview, Calvin provided some links that will connect you to all of the other activities that are being broadcast via Livestream, and give you a good idea of range of presentations and interviews that will be immediately available:

Official HP Discover channel on Live stream:- this will be the main channel for all things coming from Discover.  I understand that the NewsDesk, keynotes, Innovation Theatre will all be streamed from here.

On demand videos from Discover- HP Discover 2013 YouTube playlist  (we expect videos to take about 24 hours to get there).

HP Discover news and interviews site

You’ll also be able to watch on demand versions of the videos about 24 hours later onYouTube or the HP Discover News and Interviews page.

 Don’t Forget
The HP Storage press conference on Tuesday June 11 8:30 AM PDT is going to some big news.  You can sign up for a calendar reminder at
