Scotty and the Vindog

Scotty and the Vindog

Latest Episodes

Disappointments – Scott’s NYC Marathon & the NY Jets
November 22, 2016

We’re back after a bit of a hiatus so that Scott could focus on his marathon training.  Doesn’t really look like it helped much as he limped to a 6+ hour finish.  Moving onto bigger and better things though,

Podcast #24 – Andrew Budris
October 22, 2016

We are joined this week by our most famous guest in the show’s brief history.  Fresh off of his appearance on The Daily Show, Andrew Budris somehow found time in his busy schedule to sit down with us for a whole podcast.

Podcast #23 – Vin Stayed up Until 4:30AM For What? And the Presidential Debates
October 10, 2016

We almost didn’t podcast tonight because the Vindog stayed up until 4:30 AM last night.  Working late?  Binge-watching Netflix shows?  Drinking?  No, no, and… well a little of the red he says.  Tune in to find out why and then stick around to listen to...

Podcast #22 – Steroids, 80’s Movies and Todd Bowles
October 05, 2016

Are steroids more readily available these days?  Sure seems like it.  How do some of our facebook friends remember watching Thurman Munson and Muhammad Ali when they weren’t alive at the time?  The 80’s were a great decade – who were the best athletes?...

Podcast #21 – David Ortiz, Peyton Manning and The Presidential Debate
September 30, 2016

Underprepared?  What, us?  No, never!  After a few extra days, we finally get our weekly podcast out for public consumption.  We discuss some sports – David Ortiz’ farewell at Yankee Stadium and Scott’s overall belief that Peyton Manning was wildly ove...

Podcast #20 – Vinny Ruins the Yankees’ Season
September 19, 2016

We’re back this week discussing Yahoo’s attempt to be the trustworthy version of Draft Kings.  Is it a coincidence that Vindog had a chance to go Fenway Park the day the Yanks lost a game to put them 1-game under the New York Mets record?

Podcast #19 – Alan Riecke (Scotty’s Dad)
September 12, 2016

Taking time out of his busy retirement, Scotty’s Dad pays us a visit this week.  We discuss what it’s like to retire to Florida – West Coast versus East Coast.  And why have 7 highway lanes on Route 95 if Floridians don’t know that the left lane is for...

Podcast #18 – Mike Poggi
September 05, 2016

Scotty has finally figured out the cause of his lingering illness, though sadly there may be no cure.  Has Lane Kiffin tailored his image after Johnny of the Kobra Kai?  In our second segment (25:20) we introduce the co-founder of the Fris-Zing,

Podcast #17 – Tim Condon, Ted Leshinski
August 29, 2016

Special thanks to our guests Ted Leshinski, Tim Condon, and the ever popular Empty Chair.  We discuss Adam Sandler and the high price he demands to make bad movies – good work if you can get it.  Maybe we can exile him to the moon.

Podcast #16 – James Kiernan
August 22, 2016

Our guest this week is the one and only James Kiernan, founder of Twitter (he says he’s not, but we think he’s just being modest).  James gives us some hints at how to make the Scotty and the Vindog show go viral (spoiler: buying followers is frowned u...
