Supply Chain Innovators

Supply Chain Innovators

Taking Business to the Moon

December 16, 2006
Taxonomy upgrade extras:

Private Industry goes to the moon!

In this episode, I talk with Tom Taylor about his company, Lunar Transportation Systems. He shares with us some of his experiences in remote locations with extreme environments that he believes provide valuable experience by analogy to operations on the Moon. In addition, he shares with us why he believes there is a business case for going to the moon, and how it need not just be NASA.

Helium-3. Who knew?

If you find this concept of "space logistics" interesting, please, join us for discussions in the forums. And keep checking, because I have more interviews planned with people actively engaged in Space Logistics, including hopefully an interview with Dr DeWeck from MIT!

As mentioned in the podcast, we recorded this interview during the SOLE Symposium 2006 in Dallas, TX. For more information about SOLE--The International Society of Logistics visit their site at

Music in this podcast:

Intro music is

"Next Time Around" by Greg Posel

The outro music is (appropriately enough)

"Burning Moon" by Derek K Miler

Both may be found at

Play Podcast: 

Download: 04_Lunar_Transport.mp3

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