Supply Chain Innovators

Supply Chain Innovators

VICS--Voluntary Inter-industry Commerce Solutions

December 03, 2006
Taxonomy upgrade extras:

In this interview, I talk with Joe Andraski, the President and CEO of VICS. Joe shares with us the history of VICS and some of their early successes as a "standards" organization, and also many of the challenges that VICS is taking on as they look to the future. As Joe mentions, the past successes of VICS has only "scratched the surface" and there is much more to come!

That includes more with Joe Andraski, as well. Look forward to future interviews with Mr Andraski, where he and I talk about collaborative commerce and Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR), GS1, RFID and EPC Global and the relationships between the business and the educational communities. All these interviews are coming in the next few months, so keep coming back!

Intro music is "Next Time Around" by Assymetry.

Play Podcast: 

Download: 03_VICS_Overview.mp3

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