The Scheid Show

The Scheid Show

Latest Episodes

Episode 98 - Burgled
March 31, 2012

We are joined once again by the lovely Forman sisters: Karen and Sarah Forman. This time together. This time bearing bad news. While it was at first believed to have been a visit seeking solace and consolation, it was in fact simply a visit to hurl accusa

Episode 97 - Mamma Mia!
March 25, 2012

Looking even deeper into Brian’s past we recruit a very special guest to this week’s episode of the Scheid Show. This week, we have none other than the mother of Brian Girard: Maryann Pietro Girard! Enjoy!

Episode 96 - The DJ
March 17, 2012

We get a peek into Brian’s childhood on this week’s episode of The Scheid Show, when we invite Joe Girard, Brian’s younger brother, to join us for a chat. Many new details of Brian’s youth are revealed on this week’s exciting episode of The Sche

Episode 95 - Le PASSION!
March 10, 2012

It is hard to contain something very exciting on the Scheid Show. This week is no exception. This week, the boys have a frank discussion about cleanliness...and as always, the discussion ends up putting the spotlight on both Greg’s strange habits, and B

Episode 94 - Flirt
March 03, 2012

Brain starts off the show with a moment of uncomfortable moment of silence that leads into some unwelcome flirtation. See where it leads the discussion on this week’s episode of The Scheid Show!

Episode 93 - Visible Human
February 26, 2012

We are visited once again by Lee Granas, but this time she shares with us tales from the scientific dark side! Well...not really dark side...more like tales from the scientific future. It is almost too much for Greg to bear. Enjoy! Oh, and if you would li

Episode 92 - Be Happy
February 18, 2012

We are visited once again by our good friend Carl Nakamura. This time he shares with us his experience, pre-computers, in the world of creating art. He also tries to convince the boys that it is indeed possible to live a successful life doing what makes y

Episode 91 - Wiki Wiki Wack
February 11, 2012

Robert talks about a new wiki style of lawmaking that is being explored on the interwebs. This, naturally, leads to a full on discussion brought on via Greg, regarding the value and trustworthiness of Wiki type documents. That and more on this week’s ep

Episode 90 - Style
February 05, 2012

We are once again joined this week by the lovely and talented Karla Cavalli who shares her expertise on style with the boys. But, as per usual, Greg steers the conversation in a completely different direction! Enjoy!

Episode 89 - Put A Record On
January 29, 2012

Brian attempts to run this episode right off the tracks with a new form of shenanigans. Greg and Robert do their best to both maintain their composer and ultimately save the show. Enjoy!
