Significance Breeds Success

Significance Breeds Success

What is Your Plan? w/ Daniel Puder & Stu Masangill

November 24, 2020

Stu Massengill is the founder of the Finding Direction Podcast, a show that helps people find direction in their life. He studied business entrepreneurship at San Diego State University, but before graduating took 4 years off to follow one of his passions and built an 8 million dollar health and wellness business.

At the age of 23, Stu encountered one of the bigger battles of his life as he was informed he had testicular cancer while on a trip in New Zealand. After recovering, he went on to discover the next chapter of his life through experiential learning. He ended up trying everything from starting online businesses to working 14 hour days selling home remodeling projects until ultimately landing his dream job at Vans, one of the largest action sports companies in the world. In a matter of a few weeks, he realized this was not what he truly wanted to do with his life. That’s when Finding Direction was born and he became a National Trainer for Tony Robbins.

The Finding Direction Podcast aims to find individuals who live passionate, fulfilling lives and help his audience learn strategies and tactics from them that they can apply to their own life. This podcast has been featured on the New & Noteworthy Education section in iTunes. Stu has interviewed over 50 individuals he greatly admired including Thom McElroy, the co-founder of Volcom, Laird Hamilton, legendary big wave surfer, Steve “Van” Doren who now sits as the vice-president of Vans, and Mikey Taylor, former professional skateboarder and current president and managing principal of Commune Capital. Stu’s also a featured top national trainer for Tony Robbins, the #1 success coach on the planet.
