Southern Beer Review

Southern Beer Review

SBR003: Terrapin's Turtleneck Gingerbread Winter Warmer

January 21, 2015

On this episode of Southern Beer Review James reviews Terrapin Beer Co.'s Turtleneck Gingerbread Winter Warmer Ale. This is volume 24 in their Side Project series. 

From the press release:
The Employee Homebrew Challenge is the brainchild of Terrapin VP Sales/Marketing Dustin Watts. The Challenge splits all Terrapin employees into assigned teams containing members from each department. The mission is straightforward: formulate a beer recipe and brew a 5-gallon batch, choose a name, design a label concept, develop a marketing strategy, and present the brew as creatively as possible in a skit to all coworkers and a panel of judges at the company holiday party. There are no style guidelines or rules, though the project must fit the “Side Project†line of inventive, unique beers, must be feasibly brewed on a commercial level, and all aspects of the project (brew ingredients, marketing materials, etc.) must stay within the provided $75 budget.

The Review:
Turtleneck Gingerbread Winter Warmer Ale
Brewed by Terrapin Beer Company
Style: Spice/Herb/Vegetable
ABV: 8.4%Athens, Georgia

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