Say Yes Podcast

Say Yes Podcast

110: Spreading your message with Vasavi Kumar

July 29, 2016

Everything in this world is a result of a simple idea. It started with a tiny spark in our mind, and products could be created, ideologies could be born, even the world could be changed. But what actually connects the idea with results is solid, practical actions!
Many entrepreneurs are stuck in the brainstorming, or idea-generating stage, and even if you are flooded with ideas, they mean nothing until you take action to realize those ideas. This is where our guest today, Vasavi Kumar, comes in. She’ll guide you from idea to execution because she believes that in order to get what you want, you need to buckle up, get out there and do it.
Vasavi is a firm believer of taking actions. She works with entrepreneurs to show them what they are really good at and how to monetize it. Since year 2010, she has been helping her clients to clear their state of mind and guide them with actionable advice.
In this episode, Vasavi talks about her experiences and her viewpoint on having a sense of self and spreading your unique message, including:

* Her story back when she first started her business.
* The mistakes that she have made during the initial stage and how she managed to find a solution to fix it.
* Her philosophy behind putting yourself out there and take solid actions.
* Her most effective and favorite platform to pitch herself and share her message.
* The sense of self-doubts that were clouding her initially, and the way she decided to face those doubts and prove her self-worth.
* How saying yes to the many things in her life transformed the way she thinks about having everything in life.
* Her motto on “I don’t get everything that I want, but I can get anything that I want”.

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