Thinking Outside The Sandbox

Thinking Outside The Sandbox

How To Get Other Bloggers To Hate You – STS Episode 044

June 22, 2016

Today on episode 44 we’re talking about how to get other bloggers to hate you. You’re probably wondering what I’m talking about. I’ve said it numerous times about blogging; my number 1 problem is that it’s highly unregulated. We’re all flying by the seat of our pants trying to do our best. Mommy bloggers are some of the most amazing people I’ve met, and most of us are in this to try and do better for our family. Bloggers are one of my favorite groups of people, but they can be a very fickle group of people as well. There are several communities and groups. Most of the time everything is fine, but just like everything else, personalities clash sometimes and things may irritate you. There are a few things I’ve found over the years, however, that are guaranteed to make other bloggers not like you. You’re building a brand or a business, and it’s important to maintain the best image possible. Not doing these things can help you to do that!
How To Get Other Bloggers To Hate You – STS Episode 044
Take Something Someone Said in a Private Group and Tell Someone Outside The Group
Most of the time it’s pretty innocuous, but by doing so it takes the safe place to talk and makes it into a big gaping whole. If you’re in a private group, keep it private. Another thing that my husband had to talk to me about was when I tried to be helpful and give advice in the groups, and would end up getting sucked into a conversation that was frustrating or emotionally draining. Don’t allow this to happen in a group. My husband would remind me “Katrina, they didn’t ask you”. Sometimes people will phrase a question to the group as a whole, but really only want someone to agree with them. It isn’t worth it to try and force your point of view, no matter how logical.
Talk to Brands Negatively About Other Bloggers
We all love referrals. I might recommend a blogger who is a good fit for the brand. That’s great! That’s why we network in these groups. On the flip side, you never want to speak negatively with a brand about a blogger. This should go without saying, but it happens. No matter what your experience with the blogger was, you likely don’t know all the details. Assume the brands have done their due diligence and know who they are working with. Brands can always ask for social media stats and more. Talking negatively will just prove to make enemies in an industry that’s already small to begin with.
Talk Negatively About Blogging
We’re all carving out this little niche of blogging for our own, out of nothing. We’re promoting, getting connected, and doing all this stuff on our own. To hear someone turn around and down talk the entire industry is frustrating. It’s a sure why to rustle some people’s feathers. The beauty about blogging is that everyone’s approach is different. While it can be frustrated that it’s so highly unregulated, it’s one of my favorite things too! You can find what works for you, your audience, and how to best serve them. For me, being authentic and serving my audience is super important. Talking down about blogging in general is highly generalizing a very diverse and unique industry.
Lie or Cheat To Get Ahead
Not only should you not do this ethically, you just shouldn’t do it. Inflating numbers doesn’t give the brands what they need, and doesn’t help you in the long run. By lying and overstating things, you’re really jeopardizing work for others when it comes to companies who are just getting into hiring bloggers. If the company doesn’t see a return on their investment, they will no continue to fund their budget for bloggers.
It’s pretty simple, really. If you want other bloggers to hate you, just start being a negative nelly. Don’t be you!
