Sales Marketing Profit

Sales Marketing Profit

The Why Ladder

May 12, 2022

Todd held a product launch, made a big splash and earned some money. How did he do it? Let's connect the dots backwards and learn the secrets behind the “Why” framework.

In this week's case study:

01:51 - Not a problem, an opportunity
02:58 - Here’s a Hollywood cliffhanger
03:34 - What made the biggest difference
04:02 - Packaging your IP
05:02 - Why using frameworks is a must
06:11 - Literally learn what Todd did here
06:57 - Building the Why model
08:07 - A currency that matters
09:01 - What a ladder accomplishes
10:01 - A magic trick to sell rubbish
11:53 - The content and the response
13:09 - Lessons to take away
15:40 - A product that sells itself
17:28 - Need a framework? Get help.


Everyone knows what to do with a ladder. [Click To Tweet]
Don't outspend, out-teach. [Click To Tweet]
Just make good products. [Click To Tweet]


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