Saints Unscripted

Saints Unscripted

Latest Episodes

From non-religious to LDS missionary | Jon's Story
August 11, 2023

Our new friend, Jon Trout, shares his powerful story of going from being non-religious to joining the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He shares some profound memories of learning about the LDS Church through a friend and curious about the tea

Why I left the Church and decided to come back | with Jensen
August 08, 2023

We are so inspired by the words and example of Jensen, our new friend and inspiration! Jensen had been a member of the the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (otherwise known as the LDS Church) but slowly found herself distancing from the Church.

The Coolest Woman in LDS History?!
August 01, 2023

Martha Hughes Cannon was an ICON in her day and should be celebrated today! Sabrina shares some highlights from the life of female LDS leader Martha Cannon. Martha was a successful doctor, mother, politician, writer, and leader. She dedicated her life to

My journey to discovering Mormonism | with Zach
July 28, 2023

Zach Black, a new friend of Saints Unscripted, shares his story of discovering the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (otherwise known as the Mormon Church) and what its like to be in the midst of learning LDS teachings. Zach had many questions

How having an open heart will change your life | Sequoia's Story
July 25, 2023

Sequoia knew very little about the LDS Church (otherwise known as the Mormon Church) in her growing up years. She had seen the Book of Mormon but never thought too deeply about it, though she always had a belief in God. Later on, Sequoia was browsing YouT

Funny LDS Culture Things | Part TWO!
July 18, 2023

In the LDS Church (otherwise known as the Mormon Church or Church of Jesus Christ), there are some interesting culture things that we have adopted over the years. Many of the LDS cultural things are just plain funny and today, we talk about those funny cu

The Book of Mormon Musical changed my life | Ida’s Story
July 14, 2023

Weve been in communication with Ida for years and have been desperate to meet her in person. When she said shed be in Utah for the holidays, we were elated!! Ida joined the church a few years ago, despite having many reasons to go on different paths. Wh

LDS Culture Strikes Again!
July 11, 2023

There are some veryyyyy hilarious things about LDS culture (otherwise known as Mormon culture) that we just can't help but laugh about :) On today's episode, we talk about some of our favorite things to laugh at when it comes to LDS culture. We talk about

I was bullied on my LDS mission - Why I choose to stay | with Ethan
July 04, 2023

This topic is heartbreaking. Hearing Ethan's story was absolutely devastating but hearing his conclusions from his experiences was inspiring and hopeful.  Ethan recently returned home from his mission. In this episode, he shares his story about being

Leaving the Amish community for the LDS Church
June 30, 2023

We are honored to hear Orpha's conversion story on our channel today. Orpha grew up Amish and has many fond memories of her time in the Amish community. However, when she was young, her parents secretly joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Sain
