Saints Unscripted

Saints Unscripted

Latest Episodes

What we learned about the LDS Temple | with Julie and Aaron
February 27, 2024

Julie and Aaron Bujnowski joined us on Saints Unscripted to share their most recent project and one that has already impacted many people. During the pandemic of 2020, Julie and Aaron began writing down their experiences and feelings pertaining to the Lat

I KNEW the Book of Mormon was true | Lauren's Conversion
February 20, 2024

In this episode we are joined by the brilliant and kind Lauren Cassidy! Lauren moved to Utah from New York just a few years ago after she converted to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (otherwise known as the Mormon Church). Lauren joins us

Reacting to Johnny Harris The REAL Story of the Mormon Church
February 13, 2024

Johnny Harris, YouTuber and independent journalist, recently made a video titled "The REAL Story of the Mormon Church." But what do active Mormons (correctly known as Latter-day Saints) think about his video? Does the video portray the real stor

The craziest Mormon mission stories!!
February 06, 2024

Everyone who has served a mission has a crazy story about their mission. Well, we recently came across an article that claimed to have some of the craziest mission stories ever! We wanted to put the stories to the test to see if they really were as crazy

My non-member mom knew I needed the LDS Church! | with Levi
January 30, 2024

Levi shares his story of growing up with lots of exposure to religion. He realized in high school that based on his life trajectory, he wouldnt make it past 21 years of age. He decided it was time to look into religion because he became concerned about t

First accurate photo of Joseph Smith, the LDS prophet?! | with Curtis Weber
January 23, 2024

Have you seen the latest photo of Joseph Smith?! If so, you probably have a lot of questions (as did we!). We brought Curtis Weber to the show to talk about his extensive research on the subject and his research is fascinating! Thanks so much for joining

I removed my records from the LDS Church…. And came back! | with Tyler
January 16, 2024

Today we are joined by Tyler Gordon, one of the kindest people we have had on the show. We chatted with Tyler before this episode about his experiences and the spirit he brought with him was powerful and humble. We are so grateful for his vulnerability in

The TRUTH about the Mormon pioneers
January 09, 2024

Have you ever heard of Pioneer Day, an official holiday in Utah? Many Utahans celebrate the day that Mormon pioneers arrived in Utah before Utah was settled. Many pioneers died on the trek across the plains, though many miracles took place on their journe

I was excommunicated then re-baptized in the LDS Church | with Elizabeth
January 02, 2024

Elizabeth joins us today to share her remarkable story of faith, conversion, excommunication, and regaining her faith. If you watch any Saints Unscripted episode, this is the one to watch!! Elizabeth powerfully shares how she grew up in unfavorable circ

My LDS baptism interview was a lie | with Kahlen
December 29, 2023

We recently had the privilege of hearing Kahlen's story of faith and forgiveness. Today we share his story with you and know you'll find strength from his words! Kahlen grew up in Utah as a non-member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Sa
