Saints Unscripted

Saints Unscripted

Latest Episodes

The ULTIMATE General Conference Prep!
April 03, 2021

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (otherwise known as the Mormon Church) holds a semi-annual General Conference where they address the world about topics pertaining to the gospel of Jesus Christ. The conference is free to watch and can be vi

Are we celebrating Easter INCORRECTLY?!
April 02, 2021

In this episode, we talk about EASTER! In the Church of Jesus Christ, otherwise known as the Mormon Church, Easter is celebrated and loved by most members of the Church. However, there definitely isn't the same emphasis on Easter within the typical LDS ho

Responding to the CRAZIEST comments | Part 8
March 31, 2021

We’re back with another “responding to comments” video!! Friends, we LOVE the comments you make on our channel and hope you keep leaving comments in the future. We try and read every comment, the positive and the negative :) In this episode, as with the o

Why I WENT BACK to Mormonism | Peyton’s Story, Part 2
March 29, 2021

We’re back for part two of Peyton’s conversion story! If you haven’t seen part one, check it out before you watch this one:​  In the last episode, Peyton talked about how he learned about the Church of Jesus Christ of Lat

Why I joined the LDS Church then left…
March 26, 2021

On today’s episode, we chat with our new friend Peyton! You are going to LOVE his story of finding the Church, waiting to be baptized, joining, leaving, and finally coming back.    Peyton learned about the Church from a friend and had decided he

Are Mormons Brainwashed?
March 24, 2021

This is a comment/question we get A LOT. Are Mormons brainwashed? There are a lot of reasons as to why members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints might be viewed as brainwashed and we want to address those reasons, as members of the LDS Ch

My father’s death brought me closer to God
March 22, 2021

It was a privilege to have Brock Heasley on the show! He is an author and a film director with a truly POWERFUL testimony and perspective of the gospel of Jesus Christ. His father was shot and killed while Brock was on his mission when he was 19 years old

Is Joseph Smith like biblical prophets?
March 19, 2021

**This episode isn’t to prove that Joseph Smith is a prophet, nor is it an attempt to determine Joseph Smith as a prophet simply because of his similarities to other prophets. Determining if Joseph Smith is a prophet is something that you’ll have to deter

From homeless to drug addict to believer in God | with Ryan Stream
March 17, 2021

Today we are sharing one of our favorite conversion stories with you! Ryan Stream, current motivational speaker and musician, joined us to chat about his conversion to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (otherwise known as the Mormon Church).

March 15, 2021

FRIENDS. We love you. So much. We started this channel over 4 years ago with little idea of what it would become. We simply wanted to talk about our faith as candidly and honestly as possible. We wanted to share our beliefs authentically, as our beliefs s
