Saints Unscripted

Saints Unscripted

Latest Episodes

Do Mormons play video games?
May 24, 2021

Video games have been controversial since their conception. Are video games damaging? Are video games addicting? Should I stop playing video games? While we aren’t going to answer those questions in this video, we DO want to address how we believe video g

The Craziest Mormon Mission Stories!
May 21, 2021

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, young adults starting at age 18 are encouraged to serve a mission. A mission is essentially a period of time (usually 18-24 months) that is dedicated to preaching the gospel to people in a given geograph

Ending sexual misconduct
May 19, 2021

This is our third episode in our series about women’s issues and it’s definitely worth watching! If you haven’t watched the other videos, check out the playlist: In this episode, Samantha and Taylor talk about violence against women

The problem with too many Mormons…
May 17, 2021

Sam and Justin grew up in different places with different ratios of Mormons to non-Mormons (‘Mormon’ being the informal term for a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). Sam grew up surrounded by many members of the Church, which grea

Is sin universal or relative?
May 14, 2021

 Is sin relative or universal? If I commit a sin, is the consequence the same if someone else commits the same sin? Does the severity of the sin change based on the knowledge of the person committing the sin? Can someone sin in ignorance? Today we di

Are there benefits to being Mormon?
May 12, 2021

This episode isn’t to convince anyone to join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (otherwise known as the Mormon Church)... BUT we did want to talk about the benefits, in addition to spiritual benefits, that there are to living the gospel of J

Do Mormons believe in fate?
May 10, 2021

What is fate? What is destiny? Do members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (otherwise known as Mormons) believe in fate and/or destiny? This topic is TOUGH. Why? Because within this topic is the question of God’s omniscience, which isn’t

Mormons respond to OLD LDS video!
May 07, 2021

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (otherwise known as the Mormon Church) has long produced videos to promote different topics within the Church. But let’s be honest… some of the videos from the past are downright hilarious! And today we resp

Responding to Comments and TROLLS | Part SIX
May 05, 2021

This is our SIXTH response to your comments! If you follow our channel, you know that we get some AMAZING comments and some INSANE comments. Whatever side of the spectrum you are on, we’re grateful that you’ve voiced your opinion and we encourage you to k

Answering Questions about Porn Addiction: Nic's story part 2
May 03, 2021

Prior to this episode, we asked our Instagram audience for their questions about pornography addiction so we could ask Nic. Nic says he has been addicted to pornography for over 2 decades, some of that time during his marriage. We filmed his story in Part
