Saints Unscripted

Saints Unscripted

Latest Episodes

Kids talk about Jesus and His birth
February 14, 2022

We are so excited to have some of our favorite, most intelligent scholars on the life of Jesus Christ :) The coolest kids on the block share the birth story of Jesus Christ, answer who is Jesus Christ, and the miracles of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ means

A Buddhist perspective of the Atonement | with Lis Malmgren
February 10, 2022

We are stoked to welcome Lis Malmgren to the show to kick off our Month of Jesus! Lis is a fantastic writer, thinker, and interviewee (as you'll see in the video). Today she joins us to talk about the atonement of Jesus Christ with a Buddhism slant. This

Does God care about you expressing your individualism?
February 07, 2022

We are so excited that Christopher Cunningham is joining us for the FOURTH time on Saints Unscripted!! Every time Christopher has come, we have learned something new and this time is no different. Today, Christopher talks about expressive individualism. E

Do you know the women in the scriptures?
February 03, 2022

Okay, this might be the most difficult quiz we have EVER done! So if you haven't watched this episode yet, we challenge you to take the quiz with us! Today we take a quiz on our knowledge about the women in the scriptures. Don't forget to subscribe to ou

How I KNOW the Church is true | with Wyatt
January 31, 2022

Wyatt is BACK! And we are stoked to hear about him and his take on finding the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ as found in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (otherwise known as the Mormon Church or LDS Church). Wyatt has studied l

What is a Mission President? | with Pres & Sister Leimer
January 19, 2022

In all of our hundreds and hundreds of episodes, we have never had the privilege of interviewing mission presidents. So today is a spectacular day where we get to sit down with President and Sister Leimer, former mission presidents of the Church of Jesus

Finding my REAL religious mission | with Wyatt
January 17, 2022

We are stoked to have Wyatt back on the show! If you haven’t watched his conversion story, watch it then come back to this one:)    Wyatt’s Conversion:  In this episode, Wyatt shares his story of leaving on

Is it okay to JUDGE people?
January 14, 2022

First of all, we want to introduce Sabrina! Sabrina might be a new face on our YouTube channel but she's not new to Saints Unscripted. In fact, chances are high that if you messaged us on Instagram, you were talking to Sabrina :) Also, you might recognize

I can't believe THIS HAPPENED after my baptism! | with Leif, Part 3
January 12, 2022

We're back with Leif for part three of his three-part conversion story! Leif grew up in Utah around many members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (otherwise known as the Mormon Church). Unfortunately, he experienced quite a bit of bullyi

God told me NOT to join the church... | with Leif, Part 2
January 10, 2022

Leif talks about how, after growing up around members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (otherwise known as Mormons), he decided to pray for the first time to see what he should do in regards to his religious practices. He received an ove
