Saints Unscripted

Saints Unscripted

Latest Episodes

How one prayer changed my life! | Arantza's Conversion
November 24, 2022

While we love all LDS conversion stories, Arantzas story has to be one of the most compelling, unique, and hopeful stories we have ever heard. Arantza talks about meeting her husband and eventually learning about the Church of Jesus Christ through her hu

Mormon child abuse article by the AP | with Jennifer Roach
November 21, 2022

Recently, the Associated Press released an article that outlined how Momron leaders allowed 7 years of child abuse, due to the poor reporting system implemnted by the Church of Jesus Christ. In this episode, we talk with Jennifer Roach, a survivor of eccl

Christlike communication | with Jaxon
November 17, 2022

We live in very divisive and polarizing times full of anger, hate, and malice. Jesus Christ also lived in such a world yet showed us how we ought to communicate with one another, especially with those we disagree with. Join us with Jaxon as we have an imp

LDS therapist on embracing doubt | Cody Hawes
November 14, 2022

We are thrilled to have Cody Hawes, a licensed therapsit and one of the kindest souls around, share his thoughts about navigating doubt thorugh recognizing your emotional responses to doubt. It's important, he says, to recognize the emotions that you feel

THANK YOU for calling us out... | Responding to Comments
November 10, 2022

A few times each year, we respond to some of the comments on our YouTube channel. We choose comments that are kind, upsetting, witty, and wild. Many comments are uplifting but many others are aggressive and WOAH, we love reading them! In this episode, we

How YouTube led me to the Gospel | with Hannah
October 06, 2022

We have been dreaming of the day we could have Hannah come on Saints Unscripted to share her conversion story. We connected with Hannah way back when we were called 3 Mormons and have loved learning from her. We were elated at the opportunity to have her

September 29, 2022

It's not often we have guests who are so familiar with the Chruch of Jesus Christ (known as the Mormon Church) in many different parts of the world. So today, we are thrilled to talk with Luis about his experience with the LDS Church in Utah as well as in

Preparing the world for Jesus' arrival | with Batchlor
September 22, 2022

Batchlor is one of the coolest people we have ever had on Saints Unscripted and you'll soon see why (for real... we were stoked to watch this video immediately after filming, as we learned so much from him). Batchlor is active on TikTok and Instagram wher

Finding answers to the most important questions | with Paul
September 15, 2022

Paul is one of the most dedicated converts we have ever met and we are stoked to share his conversion story with you!   Paul shares his story of not knowing much about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (otherwise known as the Mormo

Overcoming depression as a LDS missionary | with Frasier
September 08, 2022

Today on Saints Unscripted, we are talking to Frasier Perez, an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and an early return missionary. Frasier is full of goodness and light, as you'll see from this interview. Despite having been
