Saints Unscripted

Saints Unscripted

Latest Episodes

My journey to becoming a chaplain | with Brian Payne
May 02, 2023

We have NEVER had an interview like this one!!   Brian Payne is a champlain and talks about his journey to chaplaincy. He didn't originally intend to be a champain but quickly realized that it was the path he was supposed to take. Upon realizati

Homelessness and teenage fatherhood led me to the LDS temple | with Michael
April 25, 2023

We are so grateful to hear from Michael Manzur today as he shares his story of being completely healed through Jesus Christ. Michael is from Colombia and is a single father of three children. He loves the temple and has dedicated himself to going to as ma

The truth about LDS Service Missions | with Maya and Rachel
April 18, 2023

In this episode, we chat with Maya and Rachel about their experience being service missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We ask Maya and Rachel about their experience being full-time missionaries for the LDS Church and their di

Does Warren Jeffs practice the same polygamy as Joseph Smith? | with Brian Hales
April 11, 2023

Were so grateful for Brian Hales, one of our favorite scholars, for sharing his research with us today on the differences in FLDS polygamy and Joseph Smith polygamy.

LDS missionary copes with Pure OCD | with Aaron Lacey
April 04, 2023

In this episode, we get to chat with a returned missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ, Aaron Lacey!! Aaron loved his mission and the lessons he learned but also struggled with Pure OCD. It wasn't until he returned home from his mission that he became

Helmuth Hübener's stand against Hitler | with Matt Whitaker
March 28, 2023

We know we say this often but this truly has to be one of the most fascinating stories that we've heard on Saints Unscripted. Matt Whitaker joins us to share the story of Helmuth Hbener. Helmuth was a 16-year old Latter-day Saint living in Nazi Germany.

Did Joseph Smith take psychedelic drugs? | with Brian Hales
March 21, 2023

There have recently been serious claims about Joseph Smith's potential use of psychedelic drugs, or "entheogens." We asked Brian Hales, a leading scholar in the life of Joseph Smith, to shed light on the claims and the historical evidence that might dispr

Sharing the gospel on social media | with Jasmin Rappleye
March 14, 2023

Today were joined by the social media legend, Jasmin Rappleye! Jasmin has provided positive, powerful content on social media for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that can be easily accessed and shared. She shares about the temp

The Bravest Pioneer Woman you Have Never Heard | with Brian Stutzman
March 07, 2023

In this episode, we chat with Brian Stutzman about Eliza Jane Graham.   After the death of Joseph Smith, the men accused of killing Joseph Smith were on trial for his murder. The night of the murder, the mob that had killed Joseph Smith went bac

I felt BAD for Christians | with Steve Morin
February 28, 2023

When Steve came to the studio, we KNEW he was going to be one of our favorite interviewees! Show Steve some love in the comments below.   Steve Morin shares his conversion story to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He talks about
