Sailing Beyond Knowledge Podcast

Sailing Beyond Knowledge Podcast

Episode 51-Voices from the Deep Amazon Part 1

September 06, 2012

This Episode is in Spanish, Shiwiar, English and Spanglish. Many thanks to Veronica Suquiland Timias the voice of Shiwiar radio, whom is now our new Shiwiar representative collaborating with Evolve to Ecology and our only connection to the Shiwiar Territory in Juyintsia, Also to Gustavo Timias and Castana Gaulinga for taking such great care of us during our visit . Photo courtesy of Samuel Remerand, French Biologist and Photographer.
Carlita goes deep into the Amazon jungle to spend two weeks with the Shiwiar tribe an indigenous minority in Ecuador. At a location that is only accessible by plane flight. For further details please contact Carlita and Evolve to Ecology at
There are only 830 indigenous Shiwiar left in Ecuador spanning over 13 communities in the Rainforest, the territory Carlita visits is the furthest into the Amazon Jungle, only accessible by an hour and a half plane flight as their territory is near the Puruvian border. to ltake care of two French volunteers, a biologist and photographer whom wish to help conserve the Shiwiar way of life and protect biodiversity also. Before flying deep into the Amazon, Carlita meets and interviews Cristina Gualingam, a Kichwa Indigenous woman whom has been fighting for the conservation and survival of her people in the Savayakwa Territory against illegal oil drilling that has been going on for over 12 years in her territory, Cristina's people are working with Amazon Watch to campaign against the oil company that has destroyed the rainforest and exploited their people's rights. The documentary called,''The Children of the Jaguar'' is coming soon. You can contact Cristina Gualinga at
The two weeks we spent working with the Shiwiar was a humbling experience indeed, to learn their way of life to get a tiny glimpse of their immense knowledge of Rainforest Medicinal plants and general everyday survival, to collaborate on various conservation projects, preparing for future invasion by oil companies, an hour into the podcast you will hear a military helicopter fly into the territory, it is possible they are mapping the area for oil. No words can describe the experience with the Shiwiar people, they are very kind hearted people, anyone is welcome to spend time with them and collaborate on conservation projects.
For further information on how to help us protect the Ecuadorian Amazon and the Shiwiar Culture, contact Carlita at or to find out more about how you can help the Shiwiar people.
Este episodio es en español, Shiwiar, Inglés y Spanglish
Muchas gracias a Veronica Suquiland Timias la voz de Shiwiar radio, quien es ahora nuestro nuevo representante Shiwiar colaborar con Evolucionar a la Ecología y nuestra única conexión con el territorio Shiwiar en Juyintsia. También a Gustavo Timias y Gaulinga Castana por cuidar tan grande de nosotros durante nuestra visita.
Carlita se adentra en la selva amazónica para pasar dos semanas con la tribu Shiwiar una minoría indígena en el Ecuador. En un lugar que sólo es accesible por viaje en avión. Para más detalles, póngase en contacto con Carlita y evolucionar a la Ecología en www.evolvetoecology.comHay sólo 830 Shiwiar indígena queda en Ecuador que abarca más de 13 comunidades en la selva, las visitas territorio Carlita es el más lejano en la selva amazónica, sólo se puede acceder por una hora y media de vuelo avión ya que su territorio se encuentra cerca de la frontera Puruvian. ltake a cargo de dos voluntarios franceses, biólogo y fotógrafo quien desea ayudar a conservar el medio Shiwiar de la vida y proteger la biodiversidad también. Antes de viajar profundamente en el Amazonas, Carlita cumple y entrevistas Gualingam Cristina, una mujer ind&iacu(continued)
