Safe Space Radio

Safe Space Radio

Profiles in Mental Health and Courage

October 02, 2020


Courage is the choice to act even when we feel afraid. It forces us to confront fear, shame, and stigma—and to feel our own strength. This hour-long show is about how accessing our own courage also supports our mental health and well-being, exploring the experience of living with mental illness—such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and borderline personality disorder—as  a kind of “courage boot camp.” We also discuss how culturally-imposed silence can enforce shame and make accessing our courage much more difficult. Safe Space Radio combines compelling storytelling with practical expert guidance to give you the tools you need to start finding your own courage.


Tips & Strategies for Accessing Your Courage (PDF)
Listen to Stories From the Episode

Safe Space Radio · Profiles in Mental Health and Courage
From Our Guests


Further Reading & Listening


Stigma Reduction

Helpful Organizations

We’d love to hear from you! If you have a story about mental health or mental illness—or a comment for one of our guests—please leave us a voicemail at 617-600-8419.

The post Profiles in Mental Health and Courage appeared first on Safe Space Radio.
