Searchlights from the Scriptures

Searchlights from the Scriptures

Now What? (Various Scriptures)

November 14, 2016

Audio Philippians 2:14-15; 3:20 Do all things without grumbling or disputing; so that you will prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world … For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.  So, I’ve been away for a little while. Did I miss anything important? Has there been anything significant happening in the news? Of course, I jest. You may recall that two Sundays ago, I said from this pulpit, “The next time I see you all, we will have a new President-elect.” I also said that either result will mean that we are living in a different day and age here in the United States of America. Just how different it will be remains to be seen. But today, I want to speak to the gathered church, with a charitable assumption that I am talking by-and-large to Christian people who are born-again by faith in Jesus Christ. And what I want to share with you is a gameplan for “Now What?” How shall we, as Christian people, live in this new day and age? In fact, as we look at this gameplan, we will discover that it is not a new gameplan, because no matter how things have changed or will change for us as Americans, there are a good number of things that will never change for us Christians. We believe in a sovereign God, we believe that we are first and foremost citizens of heaven, and we believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He reigns over an unshakable kingdom that will never end. No election result can ever change those matters. I began outlining this gameplan while I was lying in bed at my hotel on Tuesday morning before the first election returns began to come in. And as I thought about it, it occurred to me that the outcome of the election would not affect this gameplan. This is the way that we as Christians ought to live whether we live in Barack Obama’s America, Hillary Clinton’s America, or Donald Trump’s America. In fact, it is the same gameplan for our brothers and sisters in Christ who live in Putin’s Russia, in Kim John-un’s North Korea, or in King Abdullah’s Saudi Arabia. What varies from place to place is the cultural context in which we live out this gameplan, but the gameplan itself does not change. In the text that I just read from Philippians, we see the big picture. “Do all things without grumbling or disputing; so that you will prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world.” I like how the NIV words that last phrase: “you will shine among them like stars in the sky.” And the reason we are able to do this is because our citizenship in Americais secondary at best. First and foremost, we are citizens of something bigger than America. As born-again believers in Christ, we are citizens of the kingdom of heaven. So, we have the ability to shine the glory of heaven into the darkness of our culture like a lighthouse that beckons others to find their safe harbor in this everlasting kingdom, come what may in America. It should be obvious that America is a divided nation. The very fact that the race for governor in North Carolina is still too close to call is but one indication of that. Other examples of it can be seen in the calls to abandon the electoral college, in public demonstrations in the streets because one group’s candidate lost, and in the incessant and hollow assertions of those who now say they are moving to another country because they cannot stand the President-Elect. In 1858, at the Illinois Republican State Convention, Abraham Lincoln was chosen to be the candidate for Senate. By the way, in that election, Lincolnwon the popular vote and lost the election. But, back to the convention. His speech to that assembly has come to be known as the “House Divided” speech. In th
