Runner Academy with Matt Johnson: Achieve Your Running Goal | 5K | 10K | Half Marathon | Marathon

Runner Academy with Matt Johnson: Achieve Your Running Goal | 5K | 10K | Half Marathon | Marathon

Latest Episodes

RA036 | Carey Pinkowski : Chicago Marathon Race Director
October 01, 2013

Carey Pinkowski is the Executive Race Director of the Bank of America Chicago Marathon, a world class event and one of the 6 World Marathon Majors. He has been committed to the event for 23 years and through his leadership the event has grown from about

RA034 | Creating a Competitive Advantage with the Mind: Dr. Stan Beecham
September 03, 2013

Most people don't reach their full potential not because of their body, training, or physical talent. It is their mind that is the deterrent. They may or may not consider how their thoughts and beliefs are actually hindering their performance. Dr. Stan

RA033 | 366 Marathons in 365 Days: Annette Fredskov
August 20, 2013

Until recently, the record for the most marathons run on consecutive days by a female was 13, and the most marathons run in a calendar year by a female was 106. Both were great accomplishments and more than most runners could ever imagine doing themselves

RA032 | Debunking Common Running Myths: Alex Hutchinson
August 06, 2013

Alex Hutchinson is a former competitive distance runner, holds a Master's in Journalism from Columbia and a Ph.D. in Physics from Cambridge, and did his post-doctoral research with the U.S. National Security Agency. As a runner he represented Canada for

RA031 | Scott Jurek: Ultra-Marathon Success on a Plant Based Diet
July 23, 2013

Scott Jurek's running career includes victories in nearly all of ultrarunning's elite trail and road events, including the historic 153-mile Spartathlon, the Hardrock 100, the Badwater 135-mile Ultramarathon, and his signature race the Western States 100

RA030 | Running the Tour de France: Zoë Romano
July 09, 2013

If you have been watching any of the 100th Tour de France thus far, you know it as a cycling event. But this year for the first time it is also a running event for one female runner currently living in Richmond, VA. Zoë Romano is well on her way to maki

RA029 | Run Tall, Run Easy with Coach GP
July 02, 2013

Gerard Pearlberg "Coach GP" is a no nonsense kind of guy often referring to his running and coaching style as "blue collar." His mission is to help ordinary runners do extraordinary things. Through his own hard work and dedication to the sport he improve

RA028 | Running Injury Recovery with Bruce Wilk P.T., O.C.S.
June 18, 2013

Running injuries are something nearly every runner has to deal with at some point. The good news is you can reduce your risk and likelihood of recurrence of an injury with knowledge and acceptance at the first sign of an injury. Bruce Wilk P.T., O.C.S. 

RA027 | The Art of Running Faster with Julian Goater
June 04, 2013

Running faster is something many runners aspire to do but don't always have an understanding of how to do so or maybe just a few ideas. Often times how to improve gets lost in an overload of scientific information which while useful fails to account for t

RA026 | Jason Hartmann: Inside the Mind of an American Elite Runner
May 21, 2013

Jason Hartmann has enjoyed much success through running and still continues to improve recently posting a new half-marathon PR of 61:51 in NYC. After becoming the captain of his high school cross country team that featured not only himself but also Dat
