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Runner Academy with Matt Johnson: Achieve Your Running Goal | 5K | 10K | Half Marathon | Marathon

RA046 | Ariana Hilborn: Undiscovered Talent Found

February 25, 2014

For those that have big dreams in running fast races there is perhaps no better example than Ariana Hilborn of demonstrating what hard work, commitment and consistency can do for your running.

Life has changed dramatically for her in the past few years.

After having no background in distance running, and admitting she HATED running back in school, she took up the sport by chance in her mid 20s.

She went from running as a charity runner with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Team in Training program finishing her first marathon in 4:36:58 to qualifying for the US Olympic trials just over 3 years later and has a PR of 2:37:28 – and she did all of this while training in the heat of Arizona and at the time a dedicated full time first grade teacher.

Her running talent would have gone unnoticed if she had not had the courage to take that first step. She is a true everyday runner to elite runner story.

Today she is training full time and continuing to push herself to the highest level of her ability as she sets her sights on the 2016 US Olympic marathon trials ‘A’ standard and a world marathon team inclusion.

Ariana is truly living a dream and in many cases still is that same everyday runner she was just a few years ago.

In her first ever podcast interview, Ariana shares everything with relatable advice for you including:

  • How she went from her first marathon in 4:36 to BQ in one year
  • Getting comfortable with increasing distance spent running faster
  • Balancing running and at one time being a full time first grade teacher
  • Maintaining a relationship with your spouse through the demands of training
  • The power of consistency in everything – including the little things
  • What it feels like when it hurts late in a race
  • Why despite all her marathon success she tries to avoid 5K races
  • How to stay motivated when you are fighting for every second and big PRs are uncommon
  • Overcoming injury at the worst possible time
  • How to develop a unique fueling strategy that works for you
  • The power of training with others at least some of the time

Quick Tip

Learn how rotating more than one pair and style of running shoes in your training can reduce injury and improve performance.

Links Mentioned in the Show - Ariana’s website and blog

Sonoran Distance Project - Coach John Reich’s team

@arianahilborn – Follow Ariana on Twitter
