The Drunk and The Ugly

The Drunk and The Ugly

Latest Episodes

Deathwatch – Binary Stars Episode 6
April 15, 2019

Conflict Report In Progress of Captain Roman, Ultramarines 125.817.M41 1946 Hours Operational Theater: Rheelas 1-Unsuccessful attempt to coordinate actions with Storm Wardens and Salamanders (see report D-RHE1982,

Deathwatch – Binary Stars Episode 5
April 01, 2019

Final Transcribed Transmission of Land Raider Izod, designated transport of Captain Tobias 125.817.M41 1827 Hours Operational Theater: Rheelas Tobias: “Squad Alpha, get me a visual on the other side of that grain depot. If we lose the rations,

Deathwatch – Binary Stars Episode 4
March 18, 2019

Pre-Battle Report of Captain Alister Mac Lir125.787.M41 1813 Hours Operational Theater: Rheelas The meeting with the Salamanders and Ultramarines has amounted to little but wasted operational time and a foul taste in my mouth. However,

Deathwatch – Binary Stars Episode 3
March 04, 2019

From the desk of Inquisitor Ulysses Wright 125.787.M41 1357 Hours In Transit to Hestus, Jericho Reach [Achilus Crusade] Lord-Captain Incanus Gilden, Rogue Trader: I write this to you mere moments before we enter transit,

Deadlands – Fallen Flags Finale
February 25, 2019

There comes a time in one’s life where you need to look at the decisions that you’ve made, and decide that enough is enough. That just because you’ve spent a great deal of time and effort pursuing something,

Red Markets 10K Lakes – The Frogger
February 18, 2019

As the cruel winter subsides, one last cold front moves in to rock Upper Minnesota.  Will our intrepid entrepreneurs be able to cross the perilous roads and find their target, or will the cruel wheels of fate smash them into the pavement?

Deadlands – Fallen Flags Episode 15
February 11, 2019

There comes a time in every notable life when one must choose to use their strengths to pursue either wealth or their convictions. With luck, one might find the former while chasing the latter, but the latter almost always dissipates in the search for ...

Red Markets 10k Lakes – An Ironclad Contract
January 28, 2019

The residents of New Hamar have a need for steel and other materials and while their convoys are quite capable of carrying things out, their convoy and their own drivers are less expendable than the bounty they currently hold.

Deathwatch – Binary Stars Episode 2
January 21, 2019

From the desk of Inquisitor Ulysses Wright 093.787.M41 0400 Hours Watch Station Erioch, Jericho Reach [Achilus Crusade] Inquisitor Lord Concordia: Arrangements have been made for the assignment of one [1] 5 member Deathwatch Kill-Team to my command.

Deadlands – Fallen Flags Episode 14
January 14, 2019

Agency Internal Dossier TOP SECRET – US EYES ONLY Verification Code 2-15-19-19-B Subject: Dr. Darius Hellstromme, Multiple Degrees, Multiple Universities Author: “Tom Bondsley”, Field Agent Alright, here’s where the (alleged) spy work gets tricky.