Royal Monster Battalion Movie Review Podcast

Royal Monster Battalion Movie Review Podcast

Episode 24 AVP: Alien VS Predator

March 05, 2015

Mike and Jeff decide it is a great idea to try to record while both of them are on meds that make them not quite right in the head.  They talk about AVP, Mike rambling on about how awesome the franchise is all while completely ignoring other awesome things they could have been doing!  Hold on to your hats, folks, this one is going deep down the ice hole!
It Came From The Internet: Zombies crossed with Mad Max?  Oh hell yes!  This is all sorts of awesome right there!  Look for it later this year on the show!
Mike's written review of AVP from the month of his son's favorite movies.
Here's the image of the Celtic Predator that Mike is talking about as his favorite Predator in the film:

This episode introduces our brand new intro song, a wonderful present from my awesome wife.  A thousand thank yous to the writer and producer, Brandon Smitherman, and the bass player Erik Fincher.  These guys are awesome!  Check out their page for The Ashes Recording Studio and let them know you like their work!
