Rotary Wing Show - Interviews from the Helicopter Industry

Rotary Wing Show - Interviews from the Helicopter Industry

Latest Episodes

RWS 17 - Helicopter Aircrew Recruiting with Mark Weeden
December 10, 2014

Its time to dust off your CV and step behind the scenes of a helicopter aircrew recruiting office so you can be better prepared for your next job application. Several times in our flying careers we'll need to go through the process of applying for a posi

RWS 16 - Helicopter Instructing Tips with Philip Greenspun
November 17, 2014

Educating or instructing can be it's own skill set regardless of the actual content taught. Philip Greenspun is a MIT lecturer and a flight instructor and shares his own approach to flying training. If you are a helicopter instructor or in a check & trai

RWS 15 - Display Flying with Dennis Kenyon - Part 2
November 09, 2014

This is part 2 of the interview with British helicopter display pilot Dennis Kenyon. For part 1, listen to Episode 14 In this episode we delve deeper into the preparation, setup and mindset needed to be a display pilot. Dennis is a CAA appointed ...

RWS 14 - Display Flying with Dennis Kenyon - Part 1
November 03, 2014

Display flying has captured the imagination of the public ever since the very first flights. One the longest performing and well respected helicopter display pilots in the world is UK pilot Dennis Kenyon Note: This is part 1 of the interview. Look for pa

RWS 13 - Helicopter Longlining with Andre Hutchings
October 26, 2014

Do you remember how humbling it felt first learning to hover? If you ever want to experience that feeling again then give longlining a go. The ability for helicopters to move equipment and loads to remote or hard to reach locations makes them incredibly

RWS 12 - NASA Rotary Wing Project with Susan Gorton
October 16, 2014

NASA is not just space shuttles, Mars robots and moon landings! Susan Gorton has been leading the NASA Rotary Wing Project for the last 8 years helping to pave the way for faster, quieter, safer and more economical helicopter designs and operations. You

RWS 11 - Whirly Girls International with Dianna Stanger
October 06, 2014

Whirly Girls International president(2014) Dianna Stanger got her start in flying thanks to a need for breakfast eggs on her island home. That started a love affair that most of us can relate too. Dianna is one busy lady. She manages an airfield and FBO

RWS 10 - Owning a Helicopter School with Heather Howley
September 29, 2014

For most young helicopter pilots opening your own helicopter training school is probably not high on your list of things to do. But this is exactly what Heather Howley, this week's guest on the show, did when she was left in the lurch with a helicopter l

RWS 9 - Never Work a Day in your Life with John Eacott
September 22, 2014

John Eacott’s aviation career has spanned 49 years and he’s still adding time on top of that today as an active commercial pilot. He has spent a huge amount of time flying over oceans as an ex-Royal Navy pilot and multiple stints in the oil industry.

RWS 8 - Helicopter EMS in Alaska with Lorena Knapp
September 14, 2014

Alaska is still largely wilderness and remote communities rely heavily on helicopter operations. Air Ambulance services like the one that today's guest Lorena Knapp flies for can drastically reduce the time needed to get a patient to primary care given th
