Rotary Wing Show - Interviews from the Helicopter Industry

Rotary Wing Show - Interviews from the Helicopter Industry

RWS 27 – Flying Fiji Transfers with Jane Ament

April 20, 2015

People from around the world travel to the islands of Fiji to holiday in a tropical paradise. A number of companies operate resort transfers by helicopter and someone has to fly those helicopters.

Jane Ament is one of those pilots. Working for Island Hoppers Jane has the envious job of flying around the islands of Fiji, taking in the views and getting people to their holiday resorts.

If that means the occasional meal in a 5 star resort while waiting for passengers, well you just have to suck that up.

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In this week's episode:

01:40 Rotary Club dinner in a helicopter hangar
02:50 World Helicopter Day
03:20 Jane Ament intro - resort helicopter transfers in Fiji
05:35 Nadi International Airport
06:30 Aircraft fleet at Island Hoppers
07:10 Working on a cattle property and going for a helicopter ride
09:10 Getting helicopter licence and juggling work/finances
10:30 Alaskan flying training and outback Australian experience
13:00 Lifestyle job flying in Fiji - scenery, temps
14:30 Typical daily routine for resort transfers
16:30 Airspace around Nadi International Airport and heli-lane
18:35 Lots of overwater flight time
20:30 Passenger control and weight & balance
25:30 Famil process for learning the different resort pads
28:23 Mix of scenic flights and commercial work
31:00 Flying rate per year, rostering
32:20 Activities on time off
34:00 Fiji pilot licence requirements
35:45 VIP stories
38:50 Disbelief that Jane is actually the pilot
41:10 Best part of the job - working with happy customers, 5 star resorts, amazing scenery
43:10 Worst part about the job
44:20 Advice for getting a start in Fiji
48:10 Website addresses for Fiji helicopter companies
49:20 Episode Sponsors
50:15 Sign up to the email list for new episode alerts.

Links from this week's episode:
Island Hoppers
Heli Tours Fiji
Pacific Island Air
Civil Aviation Authority of Fiji
World Helicopter Day

Video showing some of the resort helipads that are used for helicopter transfers in Fiji

Be part of the conversation and get involved in the comments section below. What questions do you have about flying in Fiji?
