Rotary Wing Show - Interviews from the Helicopter Industry

Rotary Wing Show - Interviews from the Helicopter Industry

RWS 23 – Helicopter Helmets with Mark Jones

March 01, 2015

To take us through everything you ever wanted to know about helicopter aircrew helmets we are joined today by Mark Jones of Gentex Aircrew Systems. The modern helmet does much more than just provide head protection as you are about to find out.

Should you get one?
What should you look for in a helmet?
Fitting advice
And how to take care of your helmet so it lasts

That’s some of the topics we cover in this episode.

Most of us would associate helmets with head protection in the event of a crash. Strangely enough that wasn't the reason aircrew first started to wear them. Early aviation helmets first provided a way to keep aircrew heads warm.

Then came the need to provide radio communication ear cups and later a method of affixing oxygen masks.

[Tweet "When things go south in a helicopter everything wants to stab at you/puncture holes in your helmet"]

The modern helicopter helmet has a big focus on crash protection as seen in the bulk of styrofoam that they contain. We also now use them to mount visors, microphones, NVDs, HUDs, torches, gas masks, face shields and more advanced audio electronics.

Not to mention a place to mount cool helmet patches!

After listening to this interview you will have a much great appreciation for the design that goes into a helmet and the job that it does for you. You might even be able to get a discount on your flight insurance to help offset the initial investment.

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In this week's episode:
01:08 Helicopter Aircrew Helmets - Mark Jones, Gentex
02:02 HAI Heli-Expo 2015 - past guests Shawn Coyle, Robert Feerst
02:45 World Helicopter Day events 16 Aug 2015
04:25 42 years working on aircrew helmets and Mark’s role at Gentex
06:23 F-117 Stealth Fighter
08:00 Working at Gentex day to day
09:15 The case for wearing a helicopter helmet
11:50 Gentex company background and shift into helmets
15:15 First pilot helmets and helicopter roles
17:05 Other functions of a helmet + G-force absorption
19:09 Noise attenuation
20:30 Anatomy and construction of a helicopter helmet
26:10 Thermal plastic liner (TPL)
27:53 Helicopter helmets vs jets vs motorbikes
28:55 What to look for in a helicopter helmet
31:30 Minimising helmet hot spots
34:00 Wearing glasses under helmet earcups - 2-fold problem
36:40 Looking after your helmet and servicing
38:50 External scratches and impact on helmet protection
41:50 Helmet warranties and costs(/investment)
44:10 Buying 2nd hand helmet - helmet inspection
46:00 Active noise reduction (ANR) and Communications Ear Plugs (CEP)
48:35 Final tips and future advances
51:10 Insurance company discounts on flight insurance
52:40 Episode Sponsors

Links from this week's episode:
Gentex Helicopter Helmets Webpage
US Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory
World Helicopter Day

Documentary on the evolution of the US Army helicopter helmet

[Tweet "85% of impact protection is provided by the styrofoam layer in the helmet"]

[Tweet "DO NOT compress the styrofoam to try and get rid of helmet hot spots"]

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