Rossaround Backstage Podcast

Rossaround Backstage Podcast

RBP Rossaround with Roly Salley, Episode 30

August 22, 2018

Roly Salley has been the bass player in the Silvertone Band (Chris Isaak) for over 33 years. He has had an exciting career working with many artists and living the musican life with all of the complicated twists and turns in that come with that lifestyle.

I have featured Roly's original music in this podcast episode. Roly is a talented singer and songwriter.

I have been working with Roly since last October 2017. It has been a real pleasure getting to know him and listening to him play night after night, a really solid bass player and singer.

I really think you will enjoy getting know the real Rowland Salley. Check out his website:

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