Divine Amnesia

Divine Amnesia

The Experience

March 25, 2015



The Libertarian Ann Experience. Do y'all remember that from back in the day? And no I didn't "copy" Joe Rogan on that one either. It was fun for a while. But I sure don't like being popular or public, ya know? Im such a private person actally but you would NEVER know that! I either go all the way or dont go at all. If im going to do something OWN it at the time. But for me to do all this took alot of guts! (and a change in how I communicated with others.

website still down my server so fuckthefed.com ronpaulgirl.com etc..... and all 33 domains down again. I need to sell that dang web address cause Im sick of getting censored! Im in a distant place far away from dallas texas today and hope you are happy as well wherever you are at this moment. thanks this s a lil too Kokesh lol

when he says Iraqw, u can sub in Iran or any other country of the planet and this still applies! p.s . thats my grandpa in the airforce picture. Andd my whole family is military, so I aint basing anybody. Im loving everyone. Just passing along information, thats all I do these days. Love yall!  Oh search for "telomeres"
