Romance isn't Dead

Romance isn't Dead

Latest Episodes

Episode 45: Rocking out Singh style
August 30, 2020

In this wittily titled episode we're talking about Rockstars, mostly those created by Nalini Singh in her Rock Kiss series, that started with Rock Addiction and the enigmatic Zack join us on this wild ride with Schoolboy Choir. Also, this is our.

Episode 44: Rolling down the highway
August 16, 2020

No, it's not another episode dedicated to Clueless. This time we're looking at the second book in the Torpedo Ink Series from Christine Feehan, Vengeance Road. This isn't your usual happy-go-lucky romance, it's dark, gritty and apparently (?) has some, b.

Episode 43: What we've been up to
July 12, 2020

This week it's general talk about everything we've been up to over the last few weeks; books, tv, movies, life! Just two friends sitting around and having a catch-up!

Episode 42: The Lone Wolf and the Runaway
June 28, 2020

In the last episode of our Steamy Summer we share our thoughts on 'Not a Hero' by Cherise Sinclair.

Episode 41: The Snobby Wallflower
June 14, 2020

So, what did we think about our first ever Lisa Kleypas book? In the first episode of our Steamy June, we looked at Secrets of a Summer Night, the first in the Wallflowers series.

Episode 40: From Florence with Love
May 10, 2020

A Room with a View by EM Forster is a wonderful, though not quite traditional, love story. The film is stunning, the scenery in it beautiful and the characters delightful and horrible in equal measure.

Episode 39: When cupid's arrows go array
April 26, 2020

Emma (1996), a fantastic movie adaptation of the Jane Austen novel. Great cast (hello 1990s Jeremy Northam), and a delight to the eyes. Come with us as we talk about this, and other things...

Episode 38: So...whatever!!
April 12, 2020 could be argued (we won't) that it's the best modern adaptation of a Jane Austen novel! So, here it is...the episode you may, or. may not, have been waiting for...we present to you, our review of Clueless!

Episode 37: His virtue for a vase
March 29, 2020

He gives up running away when their safety is in question, but is the vase really worth him giving up his virtue, and is Amy Malory really as knowledgeable as she seems?

The Quarantine Special
March 21, 2020

We're all stuck in isolation right now, whether for our own health or to protect our elderly and vulnerable loved ones. Whatever the reason, we thought we'd talk about some things we're going to be reading/watching while we're at home...join us and take s
