Rocking Comedy Show

Rocking Comedy Show


August 18, 2020

get all shook up with ep 1,235 of the greatest thing on earth The Rocking Comedy Show we will have Brien Thompson on the show.. Yeah, we know it’s spelled wrong on the promo if you noticed that then you read it, and now you know we are **LIVE** at 6:00pm (pst) on www.RadioVegas.Rocks so give me a break! Jay-9 will get to finally bring some of her sandwich songs to life, also joining us in one of the co-host air chairs Ace is back. We have some new music that has come in for New Music Mondays sponsored by KICKER audio, and with the anniversary of Elvis death yesterday some, cool covers, a fun game, and we also have “Hey I Think I Know That Song!” and more!! Mondays don’t need to suck just tune in to the Rocking Comedy Show for a few laughs!!
