Road Trip Radio

Road Trip Radio

The 10 Greatest Spring Break Destinations - Mar 11,2014

March 10, 2014

After one of the harshest, longest winters in recent memory, we're all ready for spring and for a spring road trip. This week we'll be discussing the top ten spring vacation destinations in the country. Later on in the hour, we'll be looking back over our first 50 episodes and focusing on our ever-popular comedy skits. Dave has selected some of his favorites to share with our listeners. In the second half-hour, our Travel Q&A segment tackles the question of vehicle maintenance again, and it's classic commercials for Columbia Phonographs and Turtle Wax in The Travel Archive. Plus, This Week in Travel takes a trip to the smallest town in the country - Buford, Wyoming - population 1. Join us for another of exciting, fast-moving episode of travel, roadtripping, and fun on this week's installment of Road Trip Radio! Send us your Pothole Haiku for a chance to have your work read on the air! Call in and leave your road trip or travel story on our Road Trip Radio message line - (650) 273-7483. The best stories and tips get read live on the air.
