Road To Joy Podcast

Road To Joy Podcast

Episode 4: The Formula To Fix It All

May 24, 2018

The Formula to Fix it All

Recently in Episode 3 we went over some things that prevent us from growing. Today we go deep into how what we THINK about things that happen can work against us or for us when it comes to our self-growth. In this episode we examine how our thoughts control the results we get in our life.

Circumstance: A Fact , event or condition connected with what is happening (neutral)

Thought: What you think of the circumstance, the sentence you are telling yourself

Feeling: How we feel when we have a thought, one word (fear, sorrow, excitement)

Action: What you are doing or not doing because of the feeling you are having

Result: What you end up with as a result of your action or inaction


“This literally is 5 lines and it takes less than five minutes and it’s an exercise that we use every day. Ever since we learned it, it comes into play every single day. And let me tell you, it is a total game changer.”

Key Points:

  • The thoughts we create can either perpetuate or prevent self-growth

  • The thought model is a tool that helps us dissect our thoughts and be more intentional about them

  • The thought model is a 5-line daily journal exercise that only takes a few minutes

  • Being aware and intentional with our thoughts eliminates the influence of Satan in our lives



<p>In this episode we examine how our thoughts control the results we get in our life.


<p><strong>Circumstance: </strong>A Fact , event or condition connected with what is happening (neutral)


<p><strong>Thought: </strong>What you think of the circumstance, the sentence you are telling yourself


<p><strong>Feeling:</strong> How we feel when we have a thought, one word (fear, sorrow, excitement)


<p><strong>Action:</strong> What you are doing or not doing because of the feeling you are having


<p><strong>Result:</strong> What you end up with as a result of your action or inaction


